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Made Hamilton

People hanging outside Made in Hamilton.
Place Hamilton
Bars key icon. Cafes key icon. Goods key icon.

Made has quickly become a must-visit destination in Hamilton East, being a hub of bustling retailers, foodies, creators and artisans.

Soul Boul

People hanging outside a cafe with large glass windows and doors.
Place Hamilton
Cafes key icon.

Searching for a spot where your goals of health and wellness can be achieved without sacrificing flavour and taste? Soul Boul in Hamilton East’s Made is this place...

Rice Rice Baby

The bright pink and blue interior of Rice Rice Baby in Hamilton.
Place Hamilton
Restaurants key icon.

When it comes to authentic Vietnamese fare, Rice Rice Baby in Hamilton doesn’t mess around.

Lykke - Café and Homewares

A male staff member working behind the salmon coloured counter at Lykke cafe Hamilton.
Place Hamilton
Cafes key icon.

The Danish word Lykke (leur-kah) is used to describe the state of absolute happiness. It’s also the name of a café in Frankton owned and run by Malcolm and Juliet.

Weave Eatery

Customers ordering at the counter inside Weave Eatery.
Place Hamilton
Cafes key icon.

Brought to you by Lisa and Brent Quarrie of Hayes Common, Weave Eatery is a café and catering business providing...

The Chilli House

Family sat at a table in the dining area.
Place Hamilton Editor's Pick
Restaurants key icon.

This (not so) hidden gem located in the CBD of Hamilton is somewhere you’ll want to put on your to-do list if you are traveling to Hamilton any time soon.

Banh Mi Caphe

Two of the Banh Mi cocktails, one in a tall tumbler and one in a coupe glass.
Place Hamilton
Restaurants key icon.

A visit to Banh Mi Caphe is going to transport you straight to the streets of South East Asia.


Outdoor seating on the patio at Gothenburg.
Place Hamilton
Restaurants key icon.

Escape the city, come to the riverside and enjoy the best of Waikato cuisine at Gothenburg.

Space Cadet

Wall art and curiosities on the shelf on the bright blue wall at Space Cadet, Hamilton.
Place Hamilton
Cafes key icon.

A thriving cafe that feels like a retro holiday.